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About Us


How we started:


Yahweh Worship Center began with a desire to turn our family towards a closer alignment of scripture and provide an avenue for like minded believers to gather together with as little human customs and man-made doctrines as possible. Yahweh began His work by leading us to start this fellowship first in our home, then in an upper room of a hangar in Anchorage, then to Wasilla, and then back to our hometown, Eagle River.


Through much refining, services have come to resemble a service more operationally similar to what most believers are accustomed to at a typical non-denominational church. Although we don't see ourselves as having all the answers to every question concerning the way Yeshua set up the very early church, we are confident there are many believers out there who may feel led to join a fellowship that meets on Saturdays, a fellowship that longs to stand unflinchingly on the Word of Yahweh, not doctrines or customs of man. We desire to provide an alternative to mainstream Christianity, and build a body of Christ that ministers to every member of the body, with every individual bringing to the service what the Lord has placed in them, whether that be healing, prophecy, helps, or teaching, to name a few. We feel that the body cannot operate effectively if everyone only has an avenue for certain gifts to work. At Yahweh Worship Center, we believe everyone has a part to play. And it takes every part of the body of Christ working together to achieve the high calling Yeshua has set for us to accomplish.


Do you feel like a missing piece? Seek the Lord, and see if Yahweh Worship Center is where you are called to be!

What we believe:


We believe that Yahweh has no end and no beginning, that He is beyond time, outside of time, and that He created time as we know it. We believe Yahweh is all knowing and that there is nothing hidden from His sight, being both omniscient (all knowing) and omnipresent (all places at the same time). We believe Yahweh is all powerful, and that the only limitations He may have (from out perspective) are the limitations He has voluntarily placed on Himself.


We believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is the only begotten son of God, born of a virgin, in whom all the fullness of deity dwells. We believe Yeshua is fully man and fully God at the same time, blameless and without sin.


We believe Yahweh cannot coexist with sin, and sent His only begotten son Yeshua to die on the cross as a sinless sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins, so that we may have a relationship with Him. We believe that Yeshua died on the cross for our sins on the Day of Passover, and on the third day rose again for the Feast of First Fruits, and after appearing to his disciples and others for a period of time, ascended into heaven to be seated at the right hand of Yahweh until Yahweh makes Yeshua's enemies His footstool. We believe that upon His death and resurrection, Yeshua triumphed over death and Hades, and died in our place so that when we make Him Lord of our life, and to the extent we choose Christ over sin in our lives, sin has no hold over us. We believe that Yeshua will come again at the end of this age, and upon His return will usher in a new heaven and a new earth.


We believe that salvation comes to us by faith in Yeshua alone, as evidenced by a confession of faith and full commitment of our lives to Yeshua, water baptism, and infilling of the Holy Spirit. We believe that true change occurs within our hearts through the work of the Holy Spirit in us, bringing about a change from within that culminates into following Yahweh with our hearts, resulting in a desire to please Him and obey His commandments not because it results in salvation, but because our desire is to be pleasing in His sight.


We believe that all men have an eternal spirit and a day will come when we will all come before Yahweh for judgment, some receiving eternal torment and others eternal life with the Lord, and that eternal salvation is obtained through faith alone in Yeshua Hamashiach, not as a result of any works we do.


We believe in the inerrancy of Scripture, and that it is the directly inspired word of Yahweh. We believe that the entire bible applies to every born again Christian, and we strive to stand without wavering for the truth found therein. We try to avoid man made doctrinal labels and boxes because we feel it limits our understanding of the truths found in the bible. Even if we agree with certain points of a particular doctrine, we only bring up the points, and do not label the doctrine. We hold to the literal translation of the bible, using a hermeneutics of key issues determined by three different and separate verses clearly referring to it in context, as well as the point being supported in both a micro sense and macro sense (the small picture as well as the big picture). Upon no clear delineation for or against a position in scripture using the previously described hermeneutic, we merely do not officially recognize it as a biblical position of the fellowship, but rather trust in the individual believer to go in the direction Yahweh leads them. Some of these items typically refer to the traditions of Judaism, personal family traditions for certain feasts, etc. We encourage all believers to follow what Yahweh, through His Holy Spirit, directs them to do.


We believe that Yahweh made the Heavens and the Earth in 6 days (each one being an actual day) and rested on the seventh day, blessed it, and called it holy unto Himself. We believe that the seventh day Sabbath is the day we are to keep holy (i.e. set apart and special from the other days in the week). We believe that all Sabbaths outlined in Leviticus 23 are to be observed and apply to all believers, both now and into eternity.


We believe in the infilling of the Holy Spirit in the believers of Yeshua and that Yahweh speaks to us today just as He did His followers in scripture. We believe the full gifts of the Holy Spirit are given to us for the edification of the saints and the body of Christ and are just as much relevant to believers today as they were in the early church. We believe Yahweh speaks to His servants now, imparting direction, words of knowledge, and prophecy for today.


We believe that the head of the church is Yeshua, and though we believe the church is to be lead by the Holy Spirit, we feel men are used to oversee the gathering of the brethren. We see biblical leadership as described in scripture consists of the body of Christ being overseen by an overseer and deacons. We believe overseers and deacons must meet the qualifications found in 1st Timothy chapter 3. Our intent as a fellowship is to enable and encourage everyone in the body of Christ to fulfill and mature in their gifts.


(907) 694-0400


17034 Eagle River Loop Rd #201

Eagle River, Alaska 99577

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