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Biblical Feasts
Biblical Feasts
Biblical Feasts
Biblical Feasts

Yahweh Worship Center

Does your congregation follow under the "two-house" ideology? Meaning, Jews = Judah and Gentile believers = lost 10 tribes?"In this movement where people are coming out of mainstream Christianity or similar structures and becoming Torah observant, it’s even more important for us all to understand concepts and definitions correctly. From what I’ve seen, the average definition of “Two House” usually refers to the concept that Israel was split into two portions (Judah and Ephraim) when Rehoboam became king in Jerusalem. Naturally anyone who believes scripture believes that. I’m sure the question you’re asking isn’t about that, but rather about how people interpret the two house theology as it relates to the here and now. Of course, it’s always better to communicate in person, but I’ll give it whirl. Yahweh Worship Center does not identify as a “Two House” fellowship, but of course we see that scripture clearly speaks about Ephraim and Judah. In a very simplistic way, we believe that everyone who can trace their paternal linage to the tribe of Judah or Benjamin would be what the major & minor prophets would call the “House of Judah”. We believe that all the other tribes of Israel would be what the major & minor prophets call the “House of Ephraim” or “the Northern tribes”. Of course, the tribe of Levi would fall into both/all categories because they were not specific to either side. We can see how some of the Northern Tribes may have intermingled a bit with Judah, but we do not believe that Israel is limited to the house of Judah. We believe that Yahweh sifted all the Northern tribes into all the world, (meaning everywhere in the world, not just a few locations) as He promised He would do to Israel if they did not follow Torah (Duet. 28:64). After the Assyrians removed Ephraim from the land and scattered them abroad, we believe that before too long, Ephraim no longer inherently identified themselves as Israel. We believe that what Yahweh spoke through the major & minor prophets will come to pass; that Yahweh will cause all of Israel (Judah & Ephraim) to return to the land and that Judah & Israel will be united under Messiah. We believe that the prophet Hosea 1 & Duet. 30 indicate that the identification of Ephraim will not be shown by a genealogy as Judah does, nor have it based on not being Judah, but will be shown by the fact that no matter where they are in the world, at some point (more & more it seems to be the time we’re living in) Ephraim will turn back to Yahweh and will begin to follow His Torah once more. Not that Ephraim becomes or replaces Judah, but rather Ephraim begins to follow Torah independently. We say independently, because we see in the major & minor prophets that Ephraim is distinct from Judah, but both houses come together in messiah towards the end of the age. I hope I’ve explained why I can’t just say that the gentiles are Ephraim. “Gentile” is a word that Judah began to use around the time of Christ to describe anyone that was not Judah. Yahweh doesn’t limit Israel to merely 2 ½ tribes. Just because a person isn’t of Judah (Jewish) doesn’t mean that they are Ephraim. We see that Ephraim is shown to be Ephraim by their return to Torah, which means that there are many who are not either Ephraim or Judah. I believe that that’s part of the reason that we are Israel if nothing else through the covenant of faith given to Abraham. We have faith that we too are Abraham’s sons and heirs according to the promise. It is not a function of the commonly held belief that we are Abraham’s sons directly, but rather that we are his sons by lineage. Meaning the sons of his son’s son’s son’s (etc.)® son. By faith we are not the sons of Ishmael, or the sons of Esau, but the sons of Isaac and the sons of Jacob, heirs according to the promise, and by default sons of Israel (if nothing else) by faith. And seeing how we are sons of Israel, we are held to be responsible to the Torah given to our forefathers and all of Israel. Our following the Torah is (in a way) proof that we are sons of the Covenant. If we cannot trace our paternal genealogy from Judah, then by default we would be placed into the classification of Ephraim. I know it’s kind of a long explanation, but when I write a response, I attempt to be as clear as possible. I hope all is well with you and your family through these unusual times we are living in, and pray that the grace of Yahweh be yours in abundance. May His Shalom be with you always, David Mathew
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